
Animal sounds
Animal sounds

animal sounds

The Game Over screen appears when you get three answers wrong.Fourth Column: Bird, Hen, Dog, Frog, Sheep.Third Column: Snake, Pig, White Duck, Horse, Cow.Second Column: Wolf, Owl, Cat, Lion, Rooster.First Column: Green head duck, Donkey, Elephant, Turkey, Dolphin.There are 20 animals arrange in four columns in the screen.Repeat this process until you’ve listened to all 20 animals. Once you’ve given an answer, click the speaker button again to listen to the next animal sound.But if your answer is wrong, you’ll hear a buzzer sound. If you guessed it right, you’ll hear a “Yeah!” audio.You’ll immediately know if your answer is correct or wrong. Once you have an answer, left click on the animal icon on the screen.You can do this any number of times before giving your answer. You may click the speaker again to listen to the animal sound.Using your mouse cursor, left click on the yellow speaker button on the middle of the screen.Get three answers wrong and it’s game over. If you get an answer wrong, the heart turns gray. There are three pink hearts on the right side of the screen.Once you’ve given the answer, tap the speaker button again to listen to the next animal sound.If your answer is wrong, you will hear a disapproving buzzer sound. If you’re answer is correct, you will hear an approving “Yeah!” audio.You will know right away if your answer is right or wrong. Once you have an answer, tap your selected animal icon on the screen.You may tap the speaker again to listen to it any number of times before giving your answer. Tap the yellow speaker button on the middle of the screen to listen to an animal sound.A wider surface area makes it easier to see the animal icons and tap the correct answer. Be sure to rotate your screen horizontally for a wider screen view.

animal sounds

Select this to view the game’s mechanics.


The HOW TO PLAY button is located at the left side of the screen.Another icon on the top right portion is a controller button.Select this to see information about the game’s programmer. On the top right portion of the screen is a magnifying glass button.To turn it back on, simply select it again and the “x” disappears. The game’s sounds are turned off when an “x” marks the note button.Select this to turn the music and sound effects on or off. On the top left corner of the screen is a note button.To go back to the opening menu, select the home icon on the bottom left corner of the screen.The HOW TO PLAY screen shows brief instructions on the mechanics of the game.Before playing the game, beginners can select the HOW TO PLAY button on the left side of the screen.To immediately start the game, simply select the top PLAY button. This takes you to the opening game screen.To enter the game, select the hand icon on the bottom left corner of the screen. The screen begins with a “Basso Games” page.It’s game over if you make 3 wrong answers. Repeat this process until you listen to all the animal sounds and win the game. To choose your answer, select the correct animal icon. Tap or click the yellow speaker button to listen to the animal sound. If you get 3 wrong answers, it’s game over. Repeat this process until you’ve listened to all the sounds.You’ll hear approval when it’s right, or a buzzer when it’s wrong. Simply press an animal icon to answer.Players can listen to the sound any number of times as long as they don’t choose an answer yet.Need to listen to the animal sound again? Just press the speaker button once more to hear the sound.Press the yellow speaker button at the middle of the screen to listen to the animal sound.This auditory game is designed to help improve kid’s focus, listening skills, and train them to remember different animals with the correct sounds. Once you get the answer wrong 3 times, it’s game over. Guess all the animals correctly to win the game. The game includes domestic animals like a cat and a dog, farm animals such as a pig, cow, and a hen, and wild animals like a wolf, lion, and snake. It comes with 20 colorful animal art and sounds that kids can easily identify. This is a fun and engaging listening and attention game for children where they must guess the animal sounds.

Animal sounds