
Metroid prime 4 timeline
Metroid prime 4 timeline

This is a mistake they'll make exactly one time, which is why they've been so tight-lipped about this title.

metroid prime 4 timeline

Nintendo understands the debacle of announcing Metroid Prime 4 in 2017 with only a logo, and the following 2019 announcement of starting over from scratch. No one except the uncles at Nintendo can know for sure when the Metroid Prime 4 release date is, but I'm much more confident that an announcement could arrive this year than I was a month ago. When Is the Metroid Prime 4 Release Date? So it's not a stretch to think that we're getting a glimpse of what to expect from Metroid Prime 4. Not only could Metroid Prime 4 excel on the current iteration of the Nintendo Switch, it may arrive even sooner than we think. This is the same engine that Retro has been using for years, updating it for each game. Reports have revealed that the Metroid Prime code was run through a newer version of Retro's proprietary in-house game engine.

metroid prime 4 timeline

I have a feeling that Metroid Prime Remastered was designed, at least in part, with the engine that Metroid Prime 4 is being developed on. Not only are the textures sharper, but lighting reacts in a much more natural way, and the control scheme has been completely redesigned for modern controllers. Honestly, Metroid Prime Remastered is on the border of remake territory with how well these visuals have been overhauled. Yes, Metroid Prime is a segmented game with only limited environments loading at one time, but this gives Retro Studios the ability to push graphical capabilities to the limit.Īnd push them they do.

metroid prime 4 timeline

In an age where people are constantly debating whether or not the Switch is powerful enough for modern games, Metroid Prime Remastered works as an effective showcase of what the console is really capable of. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze runs at a joyously stable 60 FPS even on the Wii U (though at 720p), and Mario Kart 7 continues to be one of the most impressive games in the Nintendo 3DS library. Metroid Prime was one of the earliest games released on the GameCube and remained one of the best-looking games of that generation. Retro Studios, historically, works within the confines of the Nintendo ecosystem and finds a way to bring their games to an incredible level of polish prior to release. The argument that Nintendo creates underpowered hardware is a hackneyed one at best, and players often take the company to social media court over the corners developers need to cut in order to release their games on the system. Optimizing for the Hardware That Is, Not What Might Be

Metroid prime 4 timeline